Monday, December 15, 2008

My Quest to being the BEST Skier in the Whole Wide World!

I took my second lesson yesterday. It was damn cold. If you live in Denver, or have been around, you will notice that Mother Nature is has been really cranky this weekend and is taking it out on all of us. We went from decently cold temperatures, to temperatures below ZERO! It's like, have a glass of wine and get over it, but don't take it out on all of me! Anyway, I took a lesson in Breck and I think it's safe to say that you will see me on X-Games REAL soon!

I went off a jump. That is right, read it and be jealous. I went off a jump and got like three inches of air.

Be cranky at THAT Denver!



fallgirly said...

But the question is...were you sober?

Unknown said...

First half sober, second half I had a beer in me. The second half is when I went off that JUMP! So, Goooooo Beer!