Friday, January 28, 2011

Fatty Friday

I'm kind of sad for the celebrities that are in and out of the news because they are

(How do you insert one of those upside down exclamation points?) GASP!


(Image here.)

Like Jessica Simpson. She might be dumb. She might be brilliant for marketing herself as dumb. But one thing is for sure, GIRL IS BEAUTIFUL!

Can I get an Amen?

She is! She might gain a few pounds and lose them. She might have poor decision making skills when it comes to pants.

Image here.

But she isn't FAT!

So to honor some of my favorite, gorgeous, (probably not even CLOSE to) FATTY celebs, I'm going to post some fat pictures of myself. I mean, COME ON, I don't care how much you weigh, you have been photographed from a bad angle and have some pretty nasty looking pictures. AMIRIGHT? Can you imagine if everywhere you went, you were photographed? Like, people taking pictures of you throwing the bag of poopy diapers in the trash on a daily basis?! Heaven forbid you aren't wearing your HEELS then! Lets post our nasty pictures for Fatty Friday and give some of our favorite celebs some lovin'!

There it is, I'm all the way to the right. I was on vacation with some friends taking a terrible picture and I'm sure sugary drinks don't help. Bad camera angle, terrible hair day, I look super fat and super gross and you know what, I don't care! I'm still really freakin' awesome!

Can I get an amen? (I'm all Sunday choir or something up in here.)

Feel free to link up (Do I need like a button or something?), post a bad picture of yourself in support our gorgeous (not even close to) fatty celeb friends!

Happy Friday!


Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY agree. I think she is gorgeous and it irritates the hell out of me when they pick on people her size. If everyone weighed as much as her we wouldn't have the rate of obesity that we do now...

But yes... poor pants choice. yikes! the 70's called... they would like their pants back.

Brandy@YDK said...

this is a great post because even on our fat days - we need to remember that we are amazeballs.

wonderchris said...

Those pants, oh, those pants!!!

I have to say I have far fewer fatty pics of me now that the digital era is upon us. I delete the evidence shall we say.

You are all kinds of awesome! Happy Fatty Friday!

Unknown said...

It's amazing what the media likes to pawn off as "fat" these days. And because an "ideal" weight is somewhere around 100 lbs, it's such a thin line (pun intended) between looking good and "looking" anorexic (in quotes because you might really BE anorexic to get to 100 lbs, but no one will really blast you for it until you hit 80 lbs). The whole concept is disgusting.

Here's my Fatty Friday pic: I had a horrible haircut that made my face look as round as the moon. :-P

Annie said...

you are awesome lady. thanks for the reminder that even when over 20 pounds heavier than normal, feeling like a wide load i'm still me and pretty awesome ;)
happy friday!!

jessikahsd said...

AMEN! :)

Kristina P. said...

I love this! Way to be proud. And you look gorgeous!

Bobby, Jenny, Bryce and Leah said...

You totally beat me to this post! It has been brewing in my head for about a year! Except I wouldn't be brave enough to post any of my pics! haha It is so sad that women have to deal with their body image so much =/ I also get so pissed when certain celebrities after being made fun of, tell young girls to "embrace" their bodies only to see them a couple months later looking anorexic. I think that send such a bad message too! Like when Jennifer Love Hewitt did that. The only celeb that I think embraces her normal woman figure is Kelly Clarkson. I give that girl so much credit for really embracing her body image and not changing to adjust to critics. Godd post Holly! You said it way funnier than I could have =)

Bobby, Jenny, Bryce and Leah said...

ps...proof reading is for suckers....just look at all those typos, haha!

Robin said...

You are awesome and gorgeous, and I loooove this post...I dont think skinny is hot...for guys or girls..I think ..but thats just me...!!!I hope your condo rents quickly..!