Thursday, March 5, 2009

What's Shakin Cali?

Last night at around 9:15pm pacific coast time, something shook up the Orange County area. Experts say this was NOT an eathquake, nor a sonic boom.

What's shakin' you up over there?

Here are a few of my guesses:

Predictions from way back in the day are coming true. Califorinia is about to break off into the ocean and last nights 'tremors' are just the beginning. Anyone in Nevada want to live on the coast, nows your chance! This both scared the crap out of me and excited me when I was little. I remember hearing it over and over again, some earthquake was going to rock California right into the water. I thought it would happen any day and wasn't sure to be terrified or excited. I always wanted to live on an island and if my parents weren't going to move me to Hawaii or Cook Islands, than, mother nature for sure would grant my wish, because mother nature LOVES me! Right?

Well, if an earthquake doesn't rock California into the water, than the weight of Octo-mom's eight new babies would rock the foundation. Who is totally over this mom? In all honesty, I can't get enough. I don't want to be a source of her support in any way, but by buying into the media, I AM supporting it. Geeze, I can't do anything right!

Prop 8 protestors are making a bigger impact than expected? March 4th, people all over Califoria rallied in an effort to support Gay Marriage hours before legal arguments were heard in the Supreme Court whether Prop 8 is valid or not. You guys have some legs on you! Way to SHAKE California to her senses, huh?

California always has something interesting going on. It makes Denver news seem boring, then again, I feel secure that I won't be shook off into the Atlantic. I love you California, but keep your flotation devices near, I don't want to lose a single one of ya!

What do you think is shankin' our Westernly friends?


Juliana said...

Hahaha!!! Cali is a piece of hot work! I think it's shaking from the oh so sexy birth tape that will be released. Good thing she didn't deliver vaginally...that would suck for her.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Juls, that is funny! So is this post!!! I have always wondered when Cali would shake loose...

G. B. Miller said...

Everyone is experiencing a collective epiphany and slapping their head saying, "I should of voted for that other guy."

Matt said...

If they do fall into the ocean, maybe it would make my property value here in Denver rise. I'm all for that.

Im selfish, I know.

bernthis said...

yet another reason why I want to move back to NYC. if it's shaking it's probably people running after Bernie Madoff trying to get their money back.

Maggie May said...

pleeease don't say that! i live in san diego and the thought of breaking off into the ocean makes me hurl