Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Copy Cat of a in case you have not heard of it is a few popular mom bloggers discussing certain issues and how they feel or deal with them. This last momversation was about being a mom versus being a wife and which one is more difficult. I think that poses an interesting question.

I was told that the first year of marriage is the most difficult and if you can get through that time, you can get through almost anything. Something to do with living together, figuring out each others quirks, little things you may do that may hurt the other and vice versa, I don't know. If that is the case, I going to have the easiest marriage ever! Being married to Geoff is maybe one of the easiest things I have ever experienced. We mesh, like really well. I know, you are all thinking, good cause that is your husband. But really, I get along better with him than almost anyone else. On top of that he is really smart, a great cook, incredibly sweet, insanely handsome. I mean, did I score or did I score?! I really can't imagine my life without this guy. I am sure we will go through some rough patches, but being married rocks. I don't see it as difficult. I don't see it as a chore. I don't see it as this "prison I can't escape". Marriage was a choice I made. Marriage was something I felt happened to people when and if they were lucky to meet someone who really is their other half. I think a good point someone brought up is that their parents did not have the best marriage and seeing that marriage isn't all roses, a real prince doesn't come pick you up in his armor, you are married to a man, a man, not this fairy tale thing and realizing THAT made a lasting marriage a more obtainable goal. No, I did not have a great example of what marriage was, I had a great example of what marriage shouldn't be and I feel that makes me feel all the luckier. Lucky I found Geoff, lucky he liked me back, lucky we go together as perfectly as we do, lucky that I know fights happen and you can work through them, lucky to know that communication really is just about the most important thing in a marriage, just really freakin' lucky.

Parenthood. I always wanted to be a mommy. I thought I would be a good one, I mean, I think I am a pretty good one. Yes, I feel like for the most part it comes natural. I remember the day I found out I was pregnant. Suddenly every step I took mattered, I imagined all the things I would to to protect this little thing growing inside me. My mind was completely occupied by baby thoughts CONSTANTLY! Once Sawyer was born, a few things made me nervous, like cleaning his belly button and making sure he got enough milk, but for the most part I just knew what to do. I did what I felt was right. I loved him, a lot, and knew from that point on I would do anything in this world to protect him.

I guess the odd thing is, in terms of Geoff and Sawyer, I don't find myself FEELING one is more difficult, or a chore. I feel incredibly strong love towards both, even when Geoff plays XBox and ignores other things I feel need to be done (like me, haha get it?) , or if Sawyer is demanding attention 24 hours a day or pukes on my new shirt, I'm crazy in love with them BOTH. I feel insanely protective of BOTH. I would rip someone in half if they ever tried to hurt Sawyer, when Geoff's friends do something to hurt his feelings, you can bet I'm way more pissed than he is. I'm just protective of the people I love. If I did really think about it, and put my strong lovey, protective feelings aside,and I had to make a choice, Sawyer would be the more difficult one. Yes, parenting comes natural, yes, you have an intense love for them pretty much right away, but when it comes down to it, I can tell Geoff that I'm not in a cooking mood and dinner is his responsibility for the night. I can't tell Sawyer that. I don't wipe the crap off of Geoff's butt crack. I don't have to leave early because it's Geoff's nap time. He doesn't spit up in public. He doesn't give new people a dirty look and then cry.

Which is more difficult? I guess parenting. However, that doesn't mean that I feel it IS difficult. I'm enamoured by the fact that I get to be a mommy. The act of caring for a child for me is an out of this world feeling that I love. The thing that tops the cake, that just makes me REALLY lucky is this undying love I feel towards my child is as strong as the one I feel towards my husband, XBox games and all.

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