Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Someone loves me!

The only awards I ever got in school were perfect attendance. It's the, you suck at everything award, but you sure do try hard! So, forgive me if I get excited but Peeling an Orange with a Screwdriver sent me this award! She said it's because she enjoys reading my blog, I think it's because she heard how bitchy I get when I'm pregnant. (That's right internet, I cursed.) Thank you, thank you, I love you back too, does the award come with some of your awesome baked goodies??? No? Damn.

I'm going to pass it along to The Peach Tart and Chelsea Talks Smack. These ladies will most likely make you urinate in your granny panties from laughing so hard while reading their blog. Don't say I didn't warn you...

Onto other news, my father in law and his wife are flying in this weekend. This is their first visit since I've been married to Geoff. Immediately I thought, WHAT THE HELL DO I COOK?! I asked Geoff who said his dad likes goulash.


What. Is. That?

That sounds like a dessert you serve up at some halloween party and only the drunks dig in. Slightly nervous about this ghoul something dish, I settled on Nicoise Salad. That is close enough, right?

I still feel good, really good. So good, I'm ready for a drink but the doctors frown on that. With Sawyer I was sooo sure I was going to miss drinking. In fact, when Geoff and I decided to start trying for baby two, I thought, LET ME BINGE DRINK AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE just so I wont miss it. No, I didn't binge drink... okay, well not every day. Okay, I'm off track, point is, with Sawyer, the smell of anything alcoholic made me vomit. I could even smell it on Geoff after he brushed and mouth washed. I was incredibly sensitive to the smell and didn't want a drop of the adult beverage near my mouth, or nostrils. Now, NOW, I could sure go for a margarita...

Self control. Practice self control. (Just thinking out loud.)

Oh and: My stomach is already getting bigger. I complained about this to Geoff who said it was not until I lifted up my shirt. He poked my belly and said, okay, maybe it is.

Oh and: I bought my baby the beginning of his big boy bed... the headboard. He is growing up WAY too fast.

Oh and: Even though Geoff wouldn't give me cupcakes for dinner, I retaliated by eating a few handfuls of dark chocolate chips with my breakfast eggs. Don't even say that is gross.

Oh and: I still want to star in a broadway show. Do you know any that don't require a good singing voice? I've been thinking about this heavily each time I teach aerobics. I would be really amazing. Really.

Peace, love and perfect attendance,



The Peach Tart said...

Someone does love you. Congratulations on your awards and thanks for passing an award along to me. I'll be posting it soon. I loved Chelsea's blog so thanks for the recommendation of her blog.

fallgirly said...

Big Boy Bed?! When is that transition really happening?

Anonymous said...

lol you crack me up!! I don't know how i got through life without you!!!

bodoba said...

you could try singing during your aerobics class for practice...

Diva's Thoughts said...

Congrats on the award!