You've been lied to, you've been a sucker to the diary industry, a FOR PROFIT industry PROFITING from your blind obedience. Congrats.
Yeah, it's crap. Dairy is crap. Dairy is NOT vital to your diet, it's HORRIBLE for you, promotes disease, weight gain, and more including the growth of cancer. Hear that? CANCER! It helps cancer GROW and you still put it on your burgers, pour it in your cereal, melt it on your pizza. Is it worth it?
If you haven't read my first blog regarding dairy and have a few minutes, go here. To sum it up, I was outraged the doctors were telling me I needed to supplement Sawyer's 100% breastfed diet for man made, chemical loaded formula, formulated from NASTY, puss filled cows milk. I refused. (Yes people, you have a choice in your child's diet, the doctors don't own you.) It was a post/rant informing you some of the diary evils including the puss count you are drinking, the hormones the cows ingest to produce that milk, the calcium that is not going to your bones and more. I will most likely repeat some information here so deal with it, you probably need to hear it again anyway.
I'm pretty passionate about dairy and am not shy to share my views. When I was young I got migraines sometimes several times a week where I would be throwing up. I would have to lay in my room, all lights off, no one talking, and sit in pain. I didn't understand what was wrong with me and wanted someone to open my head and fix what was not working like it should. Little did I know, after too many visits to the doctors, I would be diagnosed as allergic to dairy. I cried. I cried long and hard and didn't want to give up all the meals I knew and loved. My family had me stop dairy and the headaches went away. Later I added dairy back into my diet only to remove it once I got to college, where I started my health obsession. I met someone who was anti-dairy who gave me a book regarding general health. One chapter focused on the diary industry and after several pages I was hooked. I threw myself into all sorts of books, read all the research papers I could and wrote many papers myself for different classes. The thing that moved me most to educate the people around me regarding dairy is this; most people can generally agree that refined sugar is not good for us. We see a cookie and know it won't be the best thing for our bodies but make an educated decision on whether we want to eat it or not. Most people look at milk and think it is good for them, that they are doing their bodies good when nothing can be further from the truth. My goal is for you to look at what you eat, know what it will do to your body and THEN make and educated decision. If you choose to continue dairy, so be it, but know what you are getting yourself into.
First, remember this, WE DON'T NEED MILK unless we are babies!!!! Are you a baby? Baby! Think about it for a second, we are born, milk fills our mothers boobies and we drink from her. When we choose to be done, we are done. We shouldn't go back and 90-95% of us don't have the enzyme Lactase to digest Lactose (the sugar found in dairy) to digest it anyway!!! We are almost ALL lactose intolerant and can show it in many different ways. You are forcing toxins onto your system, and onto your childrens' system. What is worse, we force ourselves and our loved ones to drink the milk from some other animal and you all freak out when a mom breastfeeds a baby that isn't her own?! Not that I can do it, but it's more natural than downing a glass of cows milk!!! When a kitten is born, its mom's numerous boobies fill with milk and the kittens drink. When they are done, they are done. Milk supplies vital nutrients for your offspring and when your offspring is done with milk, their body is done as well. Do you feed cat milk to you puppy, monkey milk to your rabbit? The entire animal kingdom does not go back to milk after weaned, just us, humans, perhaps the dumbest animal of all. Not only do we go back to milk, we decided to go to a cow for our milk supply only because people TOLD US TO, an industry that is trying to make money told you to do so, and did you listen? You are a sucker!!!! If you want to continue milk, at least go back to your mom, the human milk, the milk that was FORMULATED for our bodies, the milk protein that DOES not cause harm to our systems, go for it, suck away kids.
The reality is, our bodies want nothing to do with diary.
Having fun yet? Listen to what you are pouring into your body:
Following more than 75,000 women over the course of twelve years, The Harvard Nurses' Study showed that milk was NOT shown to have a protective effect on bones, the study revealed that dairy products were associated with an increased risk of fractures.
According to The journal of Gerontology, American women over fifty have among the highest rates of hip fractures in the world. The only countries with higher rates are those that consume more milk.
Milk does not do your bones good. In fact, it's quite opposite. The large role calcium plays in your body after the age of maturity is to take your body from an acidic level and make it neutral so food can pass through your digestive tract. Dairy is soooo acidic, it actually takes calcium FROM your bones to digest dairy. Isn't that nice?
Want to know what else an acidic environment causes? Cancer!!! Oh joy! A Harvard study found that when women with low enzyme levels consumed dairy on a regular basis, their risk of ovarian cancer was up to THREE TIMES GREATER!
Heard of The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell? One of the most comprehensive studies of diet and nutrition ever in history, spanning twenty years time, citing from more than 750 references and partnering with Cornell University, Oxford University and the Chinese Academy of Preventative Medicine? Dr. Campbell's published study says diary can cause "heart disease, diabetes, asthma, obesity, osteoporosis, kidney stones, cataracts, macular degeneration, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, and breast, prostate, colon and rectal cancer." During his extensive research, he found that protein had a huge effect on cancer, "What protein consistent and stongly promoted cancer? Casein, which makes up 87% of cows' milk protein, promoted all stages of the cancer process." COWS MILK PROMOTES CANCER!!! Are you reading that? Read it again! Want more? "Casein, a milk protein, promoted all three stages of cancer, initiation, promotion and progression."
Heard of Johne's disease? The disease farmers talk secretly about, the disease that the USDA says up to 40% of dairy herds were effected and that was most likely an understatement? Yeah, "Health experts correlate the high rate of Johne's disease in cattle with the growing epidemic of Crohn's disease in humans. " This is my favorite (Freedman and Barnouin, Skinny Bitch), "How is it (Crohn's from Johne's) transmitted? People suffering from Chrohn's disease suffer from uncontrollable diarrhea. And apparently, cows with Johne's disease suffer the same affliction. The diarrhea can come shooting out of the cow in liquid form. And because her butt is so close to her udders, poo gets on her udders. And unless someone takes the time to wash and clean the udders of every cow before milking, the infected fecal matter makes its way into the milk. Bonus: Within that poo, there can be as many as one trillion paratuberculosis bugs per gram. Surprise, surprise, the good ol' U.S. of A. has the highest incidence of Crohn's disease."
Vitamin D? PCRM "Samplings of mik have found a significant variation of vitamin D content, with some samplings having as much as 500 times the indicated level while others had little or none at all." Did you know that too much is toxic and really, what is the point of none?
The point of this post? The dairy industry is here to make money, so is Burger King, so is Crisco, but does that mean we take their commercials as truth? I was told my whole life that dairy is good for me, good for my bones, got milk??? AND, I was lied to, we all were and continue to be lied to. Don't take my word for it, research it yourself, but wise up, take charge of your body and make educated decisions. We are in no way benefitting from dairy and cause a lot more harm than we know. If you want to drink puss filled (see part one for that), poop particle, disease and cancer causing liquid, go for it, but don't say I didn't warn you.
P.S. I'm only telling you this because I love you!
Dude, its funny - I think I am developing an allergy to milk as I age. It makes me feel like CRAP after eating a bowl of cereal. Must be all that udder poo. ;)
I read both your posts, and I'm inclined to be more understanding. I LOVE LOVE LOVE cheese. I can't help it, I can do without milk, but cheese is yummy goodness. That being said, on the program I'm on, cheese and milk are out. They said I would get plenty of calcium from my dark green veggies. (honestly the only time I crave milk is when I'm hungover, dunno why and wine is out now anyway ... so there goes that)
I will tell you that I do feel much better, less mucoussy (is that a word?) I feel lighter and healthier. I don't feel like I'm really missing out at all.
That said, I'm taking your info to heart, although ... I don't think I can give up the occasional piece of pizza.
I've gone more than two weeks without having a dairy product in my fridge ... I think I can keep it that way ... again with the occasional pizza slice slip-up. Thanks for the info!!!
I hate milk. I do eat cheese occasionally though.
Well, you certainly scared me...I am off to read your first post.
What about cheese though? I love me my cheese!!!
Thanks for the information.
I could live without the milk. Cheese - I don't know if I could stand it.
i read all about this stuff in the skinny bitch book. i gave pretty much everything meat and dairy up for quite a while.
but in real life, i can't live without cheese!! milk and eggs sure....
I will only say this: I don't consume milk simply because I don't like the taste of it.
Wow! You've definitely given me alot to think about.
I'm with you and Annie. I read Skinny Bitch in one day and the chicken I had the night before I finished the book was the last meat I've touched in the past 2 yrs. Not completely off the dairy (cheese must be the new nicotine, no one seems to want to give it up, haha) but at least I know what I'm eating. That said, vodka probably isn't that good for me either, but I'm not giving that up! :) Keep up the fight for truth girly!!
Okay, so you are pretty convincing... even though I eat a bowl of cereal with fruit and milk almost every day for breakfast... I'm feeling bummed now...
BUT... I just gave up (mostly) meat, and now I'm supposed to give up dairy, too? What the hell can I eat?????
I give up....
Great! I already think i'm going to die way to young! this did NOT help!!! but I will be cutting back on my dairy.
i don't hate you at all! my dad was a dairy farmer - not me! he had to sell his farm over 10 years ago so even he is not a dairy farmer
I understand what you're saying. That being said in moderation I doubt it would kill me. I enjoy milk products maybe once or twice a month. I'm sure though if I didn't consume as much I'd feel better though. Thank you for sharing you research and info with us.
...but how do you make your Hamburger Helper then??
Just kidding. Seriously, I have wondered about this for a long, long time, I've just been too lazy to do the research. Interesting, and gives me much to think about.
ps. I found you via Michel's blog. I will be back!
Thank God! I hope folks are taking notes.
Milk is gross! My body has always had the good sense to reject it.
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