Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Caught Cheating!

I'm really excited today to have my very first guest blog post over at Mile High Mama's. It's regarding my experience being caught cheating. Check it here, or here, or HERE. I would also, love to hear your view on the subject there as well!!!


Anonymous said...

I left this on your guest post but I'll leave it here just incase....

you make me laugh! I'm guilty.

When I was in high school I wanted a job SOOOO bad. All the cool kids we're doing it and my parents we're all about me not wasting my time at a job when I school and sports but they thought wth and let me anyway. I totally wanted to be like Rachel and work in the little coffee shop. Lucky for me, Panera was opening up- in a little shopping center right by my house! Perfect!! I went in talked to the manager before they even opened... I filled out the form... he said he'd call.

Just like any other guy that says he'll call... he didn't call for weeks!

Ugh! when you're 16 that is for-ev-er.

SO being the impatient 16 year old, I went to find another job. Luckily for me there was a drug store in the same shopping center. PERFECT!

I got a job there! the man from there called me...right away! even more PERFECT!

Perfect until Panera called me back saying I could get a job there a week after I started!

What did I do, you ask?

What any normal 16 year old would do...that's what. I made my mom call the drug store and tell him she was making me quit because she wanted me to concentrate on school and my sports!

perfect again!

till my old boss walked into Panera for lunch.

Ouch. I felt horrible! I totally cheated and made my mom break up with my old job.

Unknown said...

That is maybe one of the best cheating stories I have EVER heard! I'm still laughing!!! Isn't it funny to look back at how wimpy at confrontation we were at that age, forget telling the truth, that is WAY too simple!

MEGandJEFF said...

This is pretty stinkin' funny! And true :) I'm SO ok with cheating, too! In fact, I did just this quite recently. And am contemplating doing it again in a week! I'm such. a. slut! A girls gotta do what girls gotta do, man!

Babe in Babeland said...

Congrats on guest blogging!! I'm going to check it out now. :-)

Mommy with a Penis said...

Funny piece. So funny I had to leave a comment.

G. B. Miller said...

Never cheated.

Except, as Jimmy Carter once said, in my mind.

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone, I was really excited Mile High Mamas would even accept my writing!!!

G- Did you read the post???

Mommy with a penis- Thanks, LOL, your comment was funny.