Saturday, December 19, 2009

Friday Night

Geoff walked to the ATM to deposit my paycheck. I kissed him goodbye and continued on with dinner. As time passed I tried to brush some of my worries away. I mentioned earlier, Denver is kinda FREAKING OUT and innocent males are getting beat up. I don't want my husband to be beat up. I figured he stopped for a drink or ran another errand. My sweet potato latke things were taking 5 times longer than expected and each ended in disaster. I would make a terrible jew and (Close your eyes, this is where I REALLY stereotype) every Jew I met really knows how to party. I guess I have non party fun, lame blood running through my veins because these latkes really sucked. Geoff still wasn't home. I admitted latke defeat and threw the rest of the shredded potato mix into the trash as I attempted to ventilate our smoked out house.

Geoff walks in the door and I hear, "I was frisked!"


Turns out as my husband was walking down the sidewalk, he noticed a cop car following him slowly, as he passed him bye, Geoff smile and waved. The cop pulled over and got out.

Officer: "Hi, you look like a nice guy but I have to ask, where are you going?"

Geoff: "Just heading to the bank, need to deposit some money."

Officer: "Hah, okay, I'm sorry but you match the description of a man that robbed a bank this morning, I need to search you."

Geoff totally surprised and wishing he took back his 'bank' answer: "I have an alibi, my wife has been home with me all day. I have my ID, do whatever you need to do sir."

A second later, Geoff realized I WASN'T with him all day, I was gone all morning.

I interrupt, "BABE, how much money did you REALLY deposit? Are we RICH?!"

My poor husband got frisked, said the officer did a very thorough job and his only reward were a few burned latkes and a smoked out condo. Yeah, we go all out on a friday night...not. But let me tell you, our account now is LOADED! ;)

(Denver Police, I'm totally joking. Please don't arrest me, I don't even like getting my name on the board.)

Happy Weekend!


MEGandJEFF said...

hahahahaha :) That is an awesome Friday night!! If it's any comfort..I've been asleep on the couch by 9 the last couple Fridays.

I'm really curious what the guy who matches Geoff's description did to deserve the frisking, now...

Juliana said...

OMG I cannot believe this!! Crazy! I think we should all stay away from is scary out there!

Babe in Babeland said...

Ha! That's hilarious. Glad he SORT of had an alibi. :-)

So sorry to hear about the time!

Unknown said...

OHMYGOSH, that is crazy.

Though I always thought he WAS a bit suspicious looking. :-)

Tamer Nabil Moussa said...

this Crazy

Be careful at any time

Happy day

Anonymous said...

It is extremely interesting for me to read that article. Thanx for it. I like such themes and anything connected to them. I would like to read more on that blog soon.

bodoba said...

I can't think of anything to pep up a night that's better than getting frisked. Yum!

Anonymous said...

Lol omg I would have been freaking out!!! lol

Tracie said...

Better frisked than mugged. Yikes.

Becky HIll said...

I saw the pics, he really did look like the suspect! how funny...