Friday, November 19, 2010

Lets all sit at the round table and speak our mind.


And vent.

I just wish that we can all chat it up and your comments could appear




Basically wherever the hell you want to put them.

These pillows are really popular right now.

(Image from this Etsy shop.)

The "ampersand pillow"

And I want one. BAD. I love the look, it would look GREAT on my couch but can we all skip on the "ampersand" crap. I mean, it's an AND SIGN.

I feel like the ampersand people all went to a college for smart people, eat caviar while laying their pretty heads on ampersand pillows while I just went to a college for smart ENOUGH people but not smart enough to get into Stanford and only slightly smart because we call the ampersand an AND SIGN college and for sure am not eating fish eggs on my very plain couch.

My kids are exhausting me. They are fun and cute and I love them but they are exhausting. Sawyer will not play by himself to save a life and Charlotte wants to be held constantly.

Sawyer is more and more fun every day. He is funny, like REALLY FUNNY. He entertains me, makes me laugh, plays pretend. His favorite thing to do right now is throw the word "poop" into a random sentence and see how his listener reacts.

Frankly, it's hilarious and I'm thinking about joining him in this game at inappropriate times.

On the flip side, he makes me sooo tired. I'm in bed before 8pm on most nights and if I'm not the next day feels like a hangover without the fun night before.

But you guys are being all thankful and crap and here I am,


I'm very thankful of my family but some days I want to call a sitter and ditch mom duties for a day.

I went to the OB the other week to make sure the vagina is still sunshine and rainbows and the OB asked the most hilarious question: What are you guys using for birth control?

Obviously she doesn't have a two year old.

I was venting to my friend on facebook last night. I was kinda pissy and knew she would join me in my evil schemes. When I was done chatting with her she said I'm glad you feel better.

Or something like that, I didn't print out our conversation but the point is, she totally changed my mood and HOW in the world was I suppose to win a fight when I'm all happy?


Or something like that.

She probably got off the computer and put her happy head on an Ampersand pillow.

Some friend huh?
(Friend I chatted with last night, you know I still love you right?)

This is where I pass the mic to you. Chat it up. Let it out. I'm listening...


Unknown said...

I feel like a lot of the trendy stuff right now is so rustic chic or that the decor is for houses that aren't lived in but looked at. That ampersand pillow would be pretty in my house for about a week and then J would put his feet all over it. Seriously -- why does the man like to use our couch pillows for a footrest?! i have GOT to find him a special foot pillow so he keeps his dirty feet of our couch pillows that I put my head/face on!
I am running my first half marathon on Sunday and I am super nervous and anxious!
*sigh* thanks for allowing me to speak my mind -- I feel better =)

Kristina P. said...

My girlfriend would love that pillow. I may have found her Christmas present!

Anonymous said...

have you read my blog today?! Maybe my blog should sit at a table with your blog!?! ya know... you could probably make a pillow like that... but with some thing way better then the and sign... You could use an exclamation point? OR a ?

Good luck chick...

melissa said...

Hey there! I just stumbled upon your blog and I wanted to let you know how much I LOVE it! great post. I will be back for more!

Unknown said...

You are brilliant. I can't properly vent on my own blog about my family because my family reads it, so I have to sound all cryptic and not just flat out say what the heck is going on. But who in my family would ever look at this specific post on your page??? Genius, I say!! Well, here goes: The in-laws are living in our house because they are homeless nomads. MIL keeps breaking my stuff (unintentionally, but enough to drive me insane), and can't trust me enough to leave me in a room alone with FIL because she thinks I'm going to jump his bones. Long sigh.... she can't not be suspicious of any female, not just me, but it still is enough to hurt me (thanks for calling me an adulterous whore, I love you, too). She's in my house, breaking my things, rearranging my stuff, trying to change certain processes in how things are done around here, NOT EVEN TRUSTING ME TO BE A DECENT PERSON, and I want to kick her out oh so very very very badly.

Thanks for the venting space. I wish I felt better, but, well... you know.

The Skinny Mom said...

My kids are exhausting me, too. Or... my one kid, my dog and my husband. For real. Can I come with you when you ditch your mom duties for the day? Or week? Thanks.
How you do it with two, I'll never understand. But I'll never have to find out, either.

Brandy@YDK said...

You definitely get a sitter and take a break. And yes toddlers are the best birth control

Launa said...

Oh goodness!! I can totally understand the beat to death feeling two small children can cause!
Oh and here's my vent... my sister is in town so as far as my parents are concerned my family and I apparently fall off the face of the earth for the two weeks they are here!
BTW - great pillow but whoever has one of those in their house totally doesn't have two little ones running around!
Hope you have an awesome weekend!

Johanna said...

Such a cute pillow. Maybe they'd do a giveaway?:)

MEGandJEFF said...

Auuuugggghhh!!! I wish I'd been online so we could've vented together..I am SOOOO tired..eternally tired..& I only have one child..but I hate my dog..she drives me crazy..does that count?

That pillow is really cute..I've been talking about how I want to recover my couch pillows for months..hmm..

Jenny said...

Personal blog mention? Yess!!! One more to cross off the bucket list. I love you too my dear, sorry to be so awesome and cheer you up :) Next time I'll plan another evil scheme with you, or insult you and agree with hubs so you feel worse... yeah right, haha. I really want to know if you went skiiing though!