Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Things I've been thinking about.

Pogs. Slammers. They were awesome and if I can get my hands on some again, I'm throwing a drunken pog party and will hopefully have the raddest slammer 2010 has seen. That shouldn't be hard.

When I get my first night of sleep I shouldn't start a huge project the next day because of this "energy" I haven't had in what seems like FOREVER. Oh, and when I say my "first night of sleep" I mean getting more than two hours in a row. I got three in a row and was ecstatic. Then decided to sand and paint the vanity in the kids' bathroom.

Yeah, that isn't a day project.

The next few nights I got only two hours in a row... maybe twice. Four hours of sleep plus a newborn, a toddler and a big project is, ummm, interesting.

I'm getting lots of wrinkles. People don't card me anymore. That or I just look like I should be a drunk and so they sell it to me without hesitation. Old or a drunk...

I miss granite counter tops. I miss them greatly.

I've never been so happy in my life even without granite and with lots of wrinkles.

I want to steal all of my California friends and make them live here with me and have smores every night, laughing about old memories and never ever get fat from all the smores we eat.

I still can't believe I scored my husband. I'm not sure WHAT he was thinking dating me. I sure TRICKED him!

I was suppose to be a great dancer and great singer and star in lots of amazing Broadway shows. Not sure why that didn't pan out. God? Seriously?!

The City is WAY better than The Hills.

I need to download more Hanson songs. They make me smile and dance.

But so does my husband, son, daughter, friends, house, work and everything else in my life. I'm lucky, even with a bad voice, and unique dancing skills. I'm really lucky.

But I would feel even LUCKIER if I can find an awesome slammer...


MEGandJEFF said...

Oh man! You totally crack me up! What are you smoking? :) I remember pogs...can I come to your drunken pog party?

You are waaaaay too ambitious with the projects, woman!

I'm with you on the sleep..I get home from a night shift & sleep 1-2 hours..& if I get 3 hrs, I feel UH-MAZING..weird how your body adjusts, right?

I don't believe you about the wrinkles. I just don't.

And now I want s'mores!

G. B. Miller said...


Me thinks that your sleeping schedule is now your daughters. :D

Always wondered what kind of thoughts people would have in the wee hours of the morning, and now I know.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED pogs! you sound like me in a drunken conversation! lol random as can be!

Can you come to do projects at my house? I dont have kids, I'm just too lazy!

Anonymous said...

LOL Holly remember when we sent your dad out to get the "really rare" pog at Del taco.. we called all over for the one we wanted then sent him out and he came back all tired and pissed off from trying to find it? Ha ha ha, you still have it right?

What a great memory you just jogged out of my brain!



Awesomely random. I think the sleep dep was talking there. I remember it. Vividly.


PS: You are PROJECT CRAZY. Getting dressed in the morning is enough project for me. I have two decks and an office that need your help stat.