Monday, May 25, 2009


I'm getting the itch, oh MAN am I getting the itch. The -gasp- baby itch. I think it's because my not so little man is about to be one. ONE! How did that happen?! I did not approve of this.

The only thing that is keeping me from scratching, is the fact that, one, I like to drink, and two, we live in a place the size of a bread box.

Anyone want to invent a prenatal vitamin that blocks the alcohol from getting to the fetus and THEN buy me a new house?

Anyone? Anyone?

Just asking.

Hope you all have a rockin' Memorial Day!


G. B. Miller said...

Just thing of the rockin' birthday party you can throw for yourselves, umm.....I mean, for him when he turns 1.

bernthis said...

Holly, this is your birth control pill. Please come and take me....

Juliana said...

I know these babies are like horrible addictions. I found myself jealous of Jon and Kate last night and actually said, "that woman got to have 8 kids, darn her." Then I knew if you had heard me you would have bitched slapped me.

Anonymous said...

omg you and me both! I have to keep telling myself that I want one more nice vacation alone before I take the big step... I don't even have one yet but I seem to fall in love with everyone elses alot more than usual lately

Unknown said...

AD- Soo funny, I had a dream the other night that I read in your blog you were pregnant. I woke up the next morning and reread, thinking, is she???

G- Oh, trust me, when my husband threw the word 'budget' at me for his party, I thought, well, first thing is first, the ALCOHOL!

Jesica- LOL

Jewles- So not jealous of Kate. She is a raging B word, I feel so bad for her kids! But, raising 8 with nannys and money to spare would be cool!

Anonymous said...

lol oh geeze!! I guess I'll find out this weekend? haha

fallgirly said...

An itch? Already? Did you forget the sleepless nights? Proof, right here, I'm reading your entry like a month later. I am exhausted, our baby still eats every two hours which means I get 45 minutes of sleep tops at a time. Come over for a few nights, it will clear that itch right up!