Thursday, March 3, 2011

Post Baby Emotions

I've never been one to battle depression or anxiety. I'm known to be incredibly laid back, too laid back. Stuff gets thrown at me and I just jump over it and move on. I've never been a jealous person or a self conscious person. I've always been one to lift others up but after I had children, I sometimes wonder what happened to that girl.

It's amazing how hormones can swing everything around.

I don't feel depressed but there are times I'm in a funk.

There are times I feel fat and ugly.

There are zero reasons I should feel that way.

Isn't it CRAZY what hormones can do? The power they have? How they can turn a happy, confident person into something else? I'm so over those damn things! In the height of feeling incredibly fat and needing a diet I weighed myself to find that at 117 pounds, I'm close to the smallest I've ever been. Hormones sure are bitchy and convincing to make me feel otherwise.

I have the greatest husband, GREATEST. I have no reason to ever feel jealous of anything or anyone but sometimes I am scared he might find someone hotter, funnier, smarter than me and leave. So I put on a dress and I dry my hair and greet him with a passionate kiss. Then I look in the mirror and remember that I'm cute and funny and smart and damn it, if anyone left me, they would be the stupid one.

I talk to friends that just had babies and they share their fears, things they say they KNOW is irrational but can't help but feel it. FEEL it. We know these things aren't true but FEEL it. Isn't that crazy? What happened during evolution to make us so unbalanced after a roller coaster rage of hormones fueling our bodies (forming babies), emotions, thoughts?

I'm a FIRM believer that food has incredible powers. What you put into your body, becomes your body, thoughts and feelings. I no longer feel the 'sand in vagina' mood; my time of the month came early, and went. Pair that with a post-baby body, a still breastfeeding mommy and house of four that needs constant work: teething baby, demanding toddler, hard working husband and it's no wonder I can feel tired, run down, ugly and fat.

But I'm stronger than that. I will change habits that need to be changed: eat more raw food, cut down sugar or meat or drinks or WHATEVER that may interrupt my hormones and be that person that lifts others up AGAIN, inspires others to feel great about themselves AGAIN, remember that I AM GREAT.

And pretty.

And skinny no matter what the scale says.

And more than anything LOVED by a teething baby, demanding toddler and hardworking husband.

I will beat the hormone roller coaster. I will punch it in the face.

Do you ever feel like your hormones have complete control over your emotions? How do you punch them in the face?


Kristina P. said...

I have anxiety. Started having panic attacks for the first time about 20 months ago. But I actually haven't had one in 18 months. But it's traumatic! Thanks, Dad's Genes!

Brandy@YDK said...

I think I STILL have post-baby hormones - 27 months later. I'm just blah. about everything. Good for you for tackling it head-on

Laura @ My Thoughts-Uninterrupted said...

I hate horomones. I recently quit taking birth control because it seriously does make me a crazy person. I actually felt more normal when I was pregnant! As for the body image thing...I think that just happens as a mom. I hardly get dressed in anything but yoga pants and my hair up and probably dirty mostly because I stay at home and it makes the most sense, but I do miss feeling pretty. I think we just have to make sure to take time for ourselves...something I need to learn to do.

Maggie May said...

I want to punch hormones in the face too.

Taking high doses of fish oil every day balances hormones. It also acts as an antidepressant. It is awesome, really. A big help.

Unknown said...

at least you have some semblence of reasoning -- I'm an emotional wreck today. and my week has been WAY less than stellar. It's annoying that my hormones can control who I feel I am at times =/
I am glad you found what makes you remember that you are beautiful and strong and funny and your husband is lucky =)

wonderchris said...

Hormones - GRRRRR!!!!

Let's just say we have had our fair share (and more) of hormone struggles. It will take the kind, loving person you are or know and create the opposite.

Because you ARE awesome (times 1,000)!! Stupid hormones!

Red Shoes said...

YOu refer to your loving baby and your hardworking husband...

Let that alone control your perspective. I think it sounds great... :o)



I second Maggie May on the fish oil. Funny yo should post this now because I am in SUCH a funk right now. I need to lay some serious smack down on my hormones. I stupidly stopped taking my fish oil after my last supply ran out and I just bought some yesterday to try and regain some control over here. I haven't had a cycle since December (and I'm NOT pregnant!). Going craaaaaaaaaazy. Let us know what works for you!!

Unknown said...

You are all brilliant and amazing!

I'm trying the fish oil, fo sho!!

Like I said, I'm totally out of my funk but I hate when I'm in it. Ugh! It just seems sooo incredible how twisted hormones make me feel.

Momsicle: No period since December? I'm jealous!

Tickled Pink Mandy said...

I feel you girl! After I had Reagan my hormones went crazy.. I have such bad anxiety that I never had before! Stay positive girl! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my - those post baby hormones can do terrible things. I never felt quite like myself until I wasn't breast feeding for at least a month. It's all so very worth it, but it can be a hard time. Hang in there!

jules said...

You've got the right attitude so you're going to be there in no time! I swear food has a major impact on my mood too. And caffeine! There is no fluctuating on the caffeine for bad things happen!

fallgirly said...

I battled the hormones until 3 weeks ago when after 3 years of not being on birth control I went back on. Within a week both Mike and I noticed a huge difference in my moods. My doctor said that it helps regulate. I'm not one on taking pills and I fought it for months but man, I feel better.

Sandra said...

Punch it in the face for me too will you! That hormone roller coaster is making me want to run away from home!
Good for you for knowing your worth! I loved this post.

MEGandJEFF said...

Oh man! You hit the nail on the head w/ this post!! The worst for me are the days after I sleep, mascara smeared, eating habits jacked..I become a paranoid FUH-REAK!! So, let's the both of us remember we rock! And we're hot! And skinny!!! Cause we are!!

Unknown said...

Curse the hormones but at least you're recognizing there is absolutely NO VALIDITY to any of it!

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

Post baby hormones are THE WORST! Yikes. I'm sorry you are in that funk. I really struggled with it as well and felt and thought all of the things you are. It lasted for longer than I thought it should, so I did end up trying zoloft when my "baby" was 1 1/2 years, and then I wished I had tried it sooner! What a relief. Like I was on vacation from all those horrible thoughts and feelings. If I may say so, you sound like you are still judging yourself so harshly. Yet, look at how good you are at recognizing what is going on. That is the first step in being able to talk back to that negative inner voice. Do things that feed your soul. Be kind to yourself.

Anonymous said...

You mentioned your hard working husband. What you need is for your husband to stare in amazement at his hard working wife. Don't we all?