Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Baby Strebel #3 !!!!

I took a few pictures of a proud big brother.

She already likes pink.

I'm sooooo happy she is home!

Isn't she cute???

He just wanted to push her all around the basement:

She loves to swing:

So far I call her click.

We might even co-sleep.


wonderchris said...

She's beautiful!!! Congratulations!!!

"marrysib" was my word verification word - uh....that's not right...

Brandy@YDK said...

hahahaha. awesome.

SkippyMom said...

I just like that your stroller was made by Jeep. Why did they not have this when my kids were babies.

And I am laughing at wonderchris' vert word. Yep. Not right.

Ginger said...

You are too much!

RottenMom said...

What a beautiful baby! Congrats!

Furry Bottoms said...

I'm trying to catch up on reading posts, and as soon as I saw Strebel #3, I actually thought you meant you were pregnant again!! Sheesh, you good. That new one looks like so much fun!