Monday, March 28, 2011

Something I Shot but NOT with a Gun

I'm surprising myself at how INTO this I'm getting. I was sooooo excited for a new camera. Before I even got the thing, I was watching tutorials on youtube.

I know, I'm like that kid in class that did her homework early, asked for more and everyone wanted to punch in the face.

I've had the camera for almost a week and feel comfortable shooting in manual mode.

That means I'm adjusting stuff people.



And ISO!!!


I know these words and what the numbers mean. I'm giving myself homework assignments. Seriously, I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY.

My homework this week is leaning the basics of Photoshop Elements. I have Apple's Aperture on my computer but it seems like a more advanced version of iphoto and I wanted to try something more in tune with editing so Photoshop Elements is on the hubby's computer and I'm going to learn it.

Right now, it speaks to me in some foreign language while I stare at it unable to guess what it's trying to tell me. I'm not sure but I think it might of even called me a stupid American. Give me a week photoshop and you'll be my little Bit*h.

This is where I watch a hundred youtube videos. I love strangers with their free tutorials.


Cassandra said...

ah I am soo jealous! I will so be watching you tube tutorials at any inkling that I may get my camera!!

wonderchris said...

You'll be teaching classes soon...or making your own tutorials (which would be awesome)!!

Brandy@YDK said...

good for you. me and auto mode are besties. and screw photoshop. but i do love strangers with tutorials.

SkippyMom said...

"but I think it might of even called me a stupid American. Give me a week photoshop and you'll be my little Bit*h"

I laughed! And the pic' is great. So beautiful.

Red Shoes said...

What a GREAT photo!!!!

You are doing wonderful!!!


G. B. Miller said...

That is a great photo.

I'm normally not a big fan of photography (and if you're a reader of my photo blog, you know what kind of camera I use), but probably one of my favorite mediums to view is B&W.

There is something about B&W photography that really touches me in a way that color doesn't.

Crystal Escobar said...

great picture! :)