Saturday, February 19, 2011

Figuring it out...

It's a sand in vagina kind of




I don't know what is wrong with me. The smallest little things set me off. I get annoyed at people incredibly easy. If something doesn't go my way, I'm pissed. It can't be everyone. It can't be anything on the outside. I'm obviously annoyed with myself but can't put my finger on it. What do I not like about myself? What am I doing that I don't like? WHAT IS MY ISSUE?!?!

WHAT AM I DOING and blaming on everyone else?

Do you have those days? Those weeks? Those years?

My life is totally awesome. My husband is amazing. My family is healthy and way too stinking adorable. We put good food on the table and laugh a lot. I'm in my skinny jeans.



wonderchris said...

Hopefully you'll snap out the funk. I watch the Baby in Las Palmas video and that helped me laugh some bad stuff out. You Tube that shit if you feel like it might help.

I hope you get to kicking life in the ass like you do real soon!

Kristina P. said...

I have never heard the phrase "Sand in the vainga." Awesome.

fallgirly said...

It's called hormones after a baby! Mine lasted over a year! Hang in there and have a beer!

Jenny said...

Sure you aren't preggos again? ;)

G. B. Miller said...

I think its a philosophy that's just starting to settle in called, "Dealing with stupid."

Initially it starts off with a low tolerance for your own behavior but once it settles in, it becomes a low tolerance for everyone else's. :D

Unknown said...

Fall girly hit the nail on the head. Hormones. Started my P early. Lovely. Isn't it awesome being a chick? No wonder I was a B word to everyone this week.

Wondercris: Are you saying sometimes I'm kick A? Sweet!

Kristina: Sand in the vagina- awesome phrase, terrible mood!

Jenny: No, no and NO!!! I thought we were friends, geeze!

Furry Bottoms said...

You are TIRED. You are exhausted. Your newest baby isn't even a year old yet is she? You need a long soak in a good bath just to relax and let go!

MEGandJEFF said...

I'm w/ fallygirl & Furry Bottoms!! This has been me the last couple, er, sucks, 'cause just like u said: my life is perfect.

Keep your head up! :)

In other news: The hubs & I are going dairy free! Thought I'd tell ya cause I know you'll cheer me on!

Brandy@YDK said...

i totally get it. i'm right there with you.

Bobby, Jenny, Bryce and Leah said...

it's beacuase you HAVE a vagina, bahahaha! We all feel this way. You will be fine soon enough...then it will happen again next month!

Jenny said...

You know I love you!!