Saturday, October 23, 2010

Knitting is Stupid

And I hate its stupid guts.

No, I'm not trying anything new. Nope, not at all. (Hiding knitting daggers behind back.)

Really, I'm just unknotting something. Easy peasy.

Why do you ask?


Kristina P. said...

This is why I just watch TV.

Unknown said...

I completely agree. That's why I crochet, because there's only one active loop to keep track of, instead of a whole needle full of stitch-dropping possibilities. I learned from youtube videos! This lady is great if you're interested in being crafty in a way other than knitting:

Good luck!

Jenni@Story of My Life said...

LOL!!! You crack me up woman!

Good for you, knitting is awesome.

Marie said...

Knitting is too hard, I agree with kristina and tv watching.

SurferWife said...

Oh criminey. Don't stab your back with those knitting swords or whatever you called them.


Knitting is glorious. Do you know that I know someone who has her MASTERS in hand knitting???? Seriously.

Christine said...

I am too afraid to even attempt knitting.

I am pretty good at untying knots though...hmmm....

JoeinVegas said...

Come on, show us

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

amen. That's why I do not craft or cook. Stick to running, right!?

King of New York Hacks said...

I only do it when I'm driving. ;P

Brandy@YDK said...

hahahaha. I've never tried my hand at knitting but I think I would hate it

tera said...

Haha! I've been there. :)
Unfortunately I have not had an opportunity to knit in some time. Maybe after the darn sketchbook project is over. I'd love to try a sweater if I had enough time...
Of course, someone would have to loan me some patience!

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

Keep at it! If you figure it out (it took me awhile too), it can be great! I know, everyone is probably telling you this, but it's true!

kate said...

I can't knit either. Yuck. Just found your blog and I am loving it! Keep it up!
velvet cupcakes

Aurora Sisneros said...

BAH HA! I swear it's better with wine. Lets have a knitting date, yo!