Monday, October 18, 2010

Denver Rock 'N' Roll

Here's how it went down:

I should of wrote a letter to my knees as well. My quads are pretty happy today. I'm SHOCKINGLY reporting that my quads don't really hurt.

I'm pretty sure it's because of that letter I wrote them.

But my knees are PISSED!

I'm going to color them a picture today. Maybe fold the paper into a heart and spray perfume on it.

The marathon was awesome. For a first Rock 'N' Roll marathon in Denver, I was surprised how well organized it was, how many people came out for it, that the race SOLD OUT and how many volunteers come out to support the race. This is marathon number five for me and maybe one of my favorites. I held a 4:45 pace until mile 18 and hit my wall.


Let me tell you, EVERYTHING HURT.

I think it's because I ran just to see Geoff and the kids. I ran for them. Races this long just hit me emotionally sometimes and when I didn't see them at the point I thought I would, I felt deflated. My fuel was gone and just wanted to click my heals and be back in bed cuddling with my husband.

Then he text me he was at mile 20. I ran to them thinking I would stop for a minute and hug the kids (Obviously I didn't care much about time then.) but when I got to that point and Geoff jumped out to hug me, my legs hurt WAY too bad to stop. They hurt while running and hurt even more to walk.

But lets get one thing straight, labor hurts 100 times more.

Maybe 500 times.

So I kept running.

Mile 20-26 sucked like they always do. I mean, guess this is why they consider marathons a huge accomplishment.

So I turned on some Britney and danced a little "Womanizer" and smiled at the people that came out to support the runners.

And let me tell you another thing. I LOVE running in the ghetto. Whether I'm in L.A. or Denver (if you consider any area here ghetto), I just love running in the less wealthy areas. Not many people come out of their mansions to cheer on runners but you can bet everyone is out of their houses in the less wealthy areas cheering and high-fiving all the runners. Their smiles are infectious, their signs hilarious and it just makes me so happy.

Once you hit mile 26, you turned the corner to see the finish line. Sooo many people were out cheering. I gave high fives to every kid along the way and the guy on the intercom was just funny and happy and I loved Denver so much at that point. Usually I'm dying the last .2 miles but the energy was so infectious I picked up my speed and smiled the entire way.

Inaugural Denver Rock 'N' Roll Maraton 2010: FINISHED

Thanks Denver, you ROCK!

Now I'm going to finish my picture- love you knees...


Kristina P. said...

Good for you! I can barely walk to my mailbox without feeling winded.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on finishing!! That's such an accomplishment!! I'm excited to be running my first 1/2 marathon and you go and run a full! get it girl!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Awesome! I love marathons, so when I saw the title of this post, I had to come on over! Congratulations! Oh, and quads NOT hurting? Rock on...of course, the knee thing isn't awesome...

G. B. Miller said...

Congratulations on finishing the marathon!

I probably couldn't walk that far without collapsing from the pain, let alone running that much.

Christine said...

Stumbled upon your blog and reading this post is getting me super excited for the Rock N Roll San Antonio marathon in November! Thanks for that because up until now I have been veeeery nervous.


COngratulations. So amazing. I'm inspired to stop gelatenising...

The Skinny Mom said...

You are AWESOME!! You've inspired me to at least do a half marathon... Sometime in the future...