Monday, September 28, 2009

Dear Iphone

Dear: Iphone

It is no surprise my husband has an insatiable appetite for anything Macintosh. Did you know that is one little thing that helped kick start our relationship? A love for your products? Thanks for that. Anyway, I believe his love is going to far.

This next story is 100% true.

Geoff and I were trying to find Sears Outlet in search for a decent fridge that didn't cost millions. I was the navigator. I'm not a good navigator.

Me- Okay babe, turn left. Oops, just kidding, U-turn.

Him- Is the compass on your iphone map?

Me- YES, okay, now turn right! Umm, just kidding again, U-turn. This iphone is good, it tells me when I mess up.

Him- It's not on is it?

Me- Yes!

He grabs my phone and turns the compass on.

Me- WOW, now this is REALLY EASY!!!

Him- I knew it wasn't on. You better watch out, this iphone can do a lot, I might even trade you in.

-Sound scratched record.

I get it iphone. You are really pretty.

You are for sure WAY skinnier than I am but curvy in just the right spots. Guys like that, don't they?

You can light up a room.

You know everything!

You can pull recipes out of your butt, give us all the good stock info, play any game, even the stupid ones I make fun of. You don't make fun of stupid games but play along and pretend to enjoy them. Geoff really likes that.

You are WAY smarter than me.

You never forget to remind us when we asked you to.

Speaking of reminders, you never forget a birthday.

You are pretty much perfect and now I hate you for that.

And, damn you, YOU NEVER GET LOST!

I'm not one to get jealous but you better back off my man. I will fight dirty.


Mango Girl said...

Boys are dumb; throw rocks at them.

Woman with Kids said...

Just subtly challenge her to a lovely dip in a nearby water source... take that, electronics!

Aurora Sisneros said...

Wow. I am going to make Simon read this. Then he won't be so pissed at the amount of U-Turns he had to make in San Diego this weekend cuz of my bad iNavigating.

Juliana said... HAVE to go to Appliance Factory Outlet for a fridge. Much cheaper than anywhere else. They have these amazing sales a couple times a year...look it up online. There is another place that is not as crazy in terms of crowds and mobs of people trying to get the good deal. A place on Santa Fe near us so you can see us while you are doing it. We got our fridge there. Johns parents got us it for xmas. Stainless steel BEAUTIFUL fridge...incredible.

Diva's Thoughts said...

LOL! I heard some good things about that iPhone but I am in love with my Blackberry. Too bad our love is outlawed in the united states except Kentucky. They understand.

Becky HIll said...

That's funny!

bernthis said...

Number one reason to date a man with a blackberry.

Hit 40 said...

Of course the iphone can not replace you!! Or...

I wonder if it could make little iphones???