Friday, September 18, 2009

Is it noon yet?

I left girls poker night early last night because I had a super early training session this morning.

She 'rescheduled'.

Went in later this morning to teach a class and end up being filmed for a commercial.

Knew the time was ticking away and had to get to an event I helped plan for the moms club I'm president of. Checked the time, saw five voicemails and had to rush home instead to clean the house before the realtors showed up for an impromptu showing they were calling me about.

I had ten minutes.

I left Sawyer at the gym. They wanted to film him.

I think we are going to be movie stars.

Got back to the gym then rushed to this moms event and got there at the end... when no one was there.

I'm a sucky president.

Ran home, fed and changed Sawyer who has a rash so bad, he can't stand the wipes touching him.

Let him play, outside for a few, got back up to our place to see Sawyer slam his fingers in the door.

Is it noon yet?


Aurora Sisneros said...

You need a beer. BTW, congrats on the house contract! You need a beer for that, too. Just get goddam stupid drunk today. Things will be much better. :)

The Skinny Mom said...

Ha! I'm sorry you had a tough morning. If it makes you feel any better, I think quite a few moms showed up today. I got Henry a hat, mittens, and boots. It was good. You aren't a sucky president.

kate telles said...

Ugh! I hate days like that! God knows (and Im sure u do too) I have plenty of days like this! There is always tomorrow to look forward to! :)

bodoba said...

If it helps I had that day too. Which is why there's an empty wine bottle in the trash.

G. B. Miller said...

I think it's time to whip out Mr. Peabody's handy dandy time machine.
