Saturday, September 26, 2009

Just a little random until I get my head on straight!

I stop moving for two seconds and exhaustion sets in immediately. My schedule is in no way overwhelming, just busy. Busy is fine until you throw in a toddler and I find myself napping for the first time in a long, long, VERY long time. Once again, I'm amazed by the single moms I know. Really, how do you guys do it? How do you carry on from day to day without napping in line at Whole Foods?

My pants are getting loose. I was running to the gym the other day and a pair of pants I bought during a skinny point were falling off. I had to stop and pull them up like a gangster! I'm not complaining, no, I just can't buy clothes right now.

We are in crazy save money mode. Today was the first day we bought food that did not come from a grocery store in weeks. Most days I pack my husbands lunch. We got off coffee. Every dollar counts when you are in love with real estate. Tonight was different, Geoff was napping and I was starving and without hesitating, without letting guilt set in, I ordered Thai. Now I sit here with a heavy stomach and little smirk. I still don't regret it and perhaps tomorrow my pants might stay on.

Sawyer is the most fun thing in history. He is hilarious! He cracks me up every few minutes. The other day he found the cord that plugs the iphone into the computer and thread it through the handle of one of his push toys. He then took each end of the wire (Is it called a wire?), hoisted it over his shoulder, turned around and lugged his push toy around, pulling by the wire. It was the funniest thing, I couldn't bare to take it away. He is my little comedian and I can't believe I got to have him as my son! I'm a lucky mommy!

Speaking of lucky, my husband just changed his diaper without me having to ask. Wow.

Did I also mention my hubby went back to work? Yup, it's true, my husband is employed. Many people have asked me how it's been and the only answer I have is, I MISS HIM! Who knew 8 hours was so long! I miss him more than ever.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My husband has been working from home for several months now. Even though he's holed up in the basement most days, I think we'd all be in shock if he went back to an office job!