Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Public Message from Safety Police

I wore a helmet while climbing the ladder in our living room with a paint can and brush in hand.

The car doesn't go into drive unless EVERYONE has their seatbelt on.

There is no talking or texting on the phone while driving with me. Ever.

I'm pretty much the safety police so when Geoff came home from skiing yesterday I drilled him making sure he didn't have beer before the drive home.

Later that night I headed to my kickboxing class and popped in the CD I would be using to teach. I have a 45 minute drive and look forward the the relaxing drive sans kids but last night was different.

The CD got me going.

I was pumped!

A minute later my head was bobbing.

Which led to some serious seat pop and locking. I was all JabbaWockeez up in that car.

And then noticed I was all up in someone's lane. Oops.

Back in my lane, I felt the music was calling my name, it was asking for some booty shake.

I gave that music some booty shake-look to the right, booty shake- look to the left.

The music blaring louder, "Boom I got your boyfriend, I got your man!" The pop and lockin' the booty shaking the-

Oops, back in someone's lane, small correction back to mine, look in the rear view mirror to make sure there were not any police behind me.

The music blared on. My dance moves were epic. My driving was...

Well, safety police would not have been thrilled. Don't Jabbawockeez and drive.


Brandy@YDK said...

you are awesome. I think i need the name of that song. I love to seat dance and it's serious stuff after zumba!

SkippyMom said...

You know I don't get out much, but I seriously must live in a cave because I was giving you mad props for making up the word "Jaberwookeez" lol - I didn't realize it was a song/band name.

Too funny.

Don't dance & drive.

XLMIC said...

LOL... how many times have I done something similar? A lot! This is hilarious!

AiringMyLaundry said...


Yeah, I don't move unless seatbelts are on and I never mess with my phone either.

Myya said...

That was HILARIOUS! I was booty shaking right along with you!!! LOL

stephanie said...

We could be friends- car dancing is one of my favorite things in life :)

Jenny DB said...

sounds like my mom's driving. she has never gotten in an accident so she insists shes a very safe driver. however it is not enjoyable to be a passenger sometimes, just saying :-)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That must be some good music!

Robin said...

I am going to answer your question about domain names here. I bought the domain name on godaddy, but the site hosting it is bluehost. Godaddy will host it for you, though. It is another charge for the hosting. You have to know a little something something about the program to get it up and running. If you want godaddy to host it, I would talk to a rep before you buy the domain name, tell them you are interested in them hosting the site, and discuss how difficult the design process is. They probably have people who do web design for a fee. It would be good to know how much beforehand.

cupcake mama said...

I fanned Recycle Fasionably on FB

cupcake mama said...

I follow Arora's blog via GFC