Monday, April 18, 2011

And Sean Makes Three

I have been dying to take pictures of an adorable, squishy newborn ever since I got my hands on one of the Canon 50mm lens. Everyone said how great it was for portraits and now I love it too...

But not as much as I love this little guy! Meet Sean! He is about two weeks old and just the sweetest little thing. I met his mommy about a year a half ago and she was soooo awesome to let me into her home and get some of the first pictures of this adorable little one. His daddy had to travel for work that day and mom was still cool, calm and relaxed, not to mention beautiful. I would of been a hormonal mess! Sean is one lucky little dude to have such great parents!

A HUGE thank you and congrats to the Ryan family!


Kristina P. said...

He's pretty cute! And I'm scared of babies, so that's saying something. :)

SkippyMom said...

Inspired by Geddes - they are fabulous!

I like the first and last the best - he is a cutie!

Ginger said...

You are a total rock star with that camera! Of course, you have a super cute model.

stephanie said...

Could he be any cuter?! I love new babies {ha! that sounds totally creeptastic but I think you know what I meant!}

Aurora Sisneros said...

Girl, you have found your calling. Stop EVERYTHING and do this. Check out Kerianne Brown Photography for mucho inspiration. She rocks my world.

XLMIC said...

So, so adorable!!!!