Friday, March 26, 2010

Home Sweet Home

I love Craigslist.
(Click image to enlarge.)


Aurora Sisneros said...

BAH HA HA! Dude, WE live in Cole! I swear I know exactly where this guys house is, and he is NOT lying!

A girlfriend of mine was over in our hood visiting a neighbor, and her daughter, who is 5, saw the quincinera dress shop, and told her mom: "Look! A princess store! Can we go? Can we go?" and has NOT stopped bugging her about it since.

He forgot to mention that we just got a gay bar, yo - we are moving UP in the world!!!

Unknown said...

Ha! Aurora, do you live in Cole?! Sooo funny! Okay, it's not THAT bad then! Hell, I've seen the ghettos of New York and don't think I haven't got lost by myself in Compton. I could hang in Cole NO PROBLEM!

SurferWife said...

The best part is the ice maker to chill your 40's. So that's what I should be putting in my ice maker....

meredith said...

bahaha, that's hysterical!!!

Babe in Babeland said...

That is freakin' hilarious!! Too fun. But hey, it IS a good price. And you do get a lot of bang for your buck!

Juliana said...

HAHA! I so want to call Mario--you do it or I will!

MEGandJEFF said...

I'm w/ Monique on the ice maker to chill your 40's being my favorite part..I've been doing it alllll wrong, man!