Friday, May 7, 2010

37 Weeks Pregnant

I had a dream last night that I was a contestant on some Amazing Race type show but for Interior Designers. I kept slowing down my team because I HAD to stop at each grocery store along the way to buy thumbprint cookies. (Ahh, those sound so good right now!) Basically, my team lost because I had to stuff my face with cookies.

Not so far off from reality when I sit down eating chips and salsa and think I have a moment of clarity when I imagine just blending up the chips and salsa so I can get it down my throat quicker. I have a problem.

I'm officially full term now and things are still on the boring side. The only interesting news I have is my blood pressure is rising. I was sure it was due to all the house stuff but now that we are here and I can relax, the BP is still rising and they found trace protein in my urine. Soooo, I just hope my BP doesn't rise much more and this little lady can stay in for a few weeks.

Oh, I'm also getting shooting pain in my inner thigh which I read is my pelvic bone not being aligned right now. Lovely.

Besides THAT stuff, all else is normal. WE moved and I'm carrying heavy things and painting the nursery a pink that dried way brighter than expected and being busy trying to make this house our home meaning I've been sucking on the blogging front.

I can't believe that on Monday I have TWO weeks until my due date! Sawyer came a week early sooooo, yeah. Wow, time is flyin' and all the things I want done before she comes are not even close to finished.

The doctor said since I'm in no hurry to have her, she wasn't going to even check for dilation because she didn't want to speed anything up or distract me from all the stuff I said I had to do before she came. I really love my doctor, no matter what I tell her, she is cool with it. I do feel like I'm dilating though and tell Geoff that my vagina is falling off. He just shrugs and says not to grow a penis. Men.

Oh, and I lost half a pound in the last two weeks. Shocker, right?

Okay, my head is all over the place, I have to finish painting, get the kid in a tub, head to Denver for play group, the the store, and Lowes and then back here where it's SNOWING! (Someone tell Colorado it's MAY!)

Love you guys! The real Holly will be back soon, promise!


Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

beautiful belly pic!

Anonymous said...

awww your cute belly!!

fallgirly said...

So cute! How much weight have you gained to date? You look so tiny (minus the giant belly). I should have warned you about the pink paint. Damn! I have had a few girlfriends make the same mistake so I picked a color that looked almost white, Mike said it was too white but I held my ground and it dried pink! Are you repainting? I cannot wait to see pics!! Hows the natural birth thoughts coming along? I'd love to know how you prepared for this!

Juliana said...

Your stomach is absolutely perfect. Did you gain ANY weight anywhere else? You look perfect. 37 weeks! WOO HOO!


That is a pretty great looking 37 weeks!! Hooray.

MEGandJEFF said...

You look great! So small! I can't believe how awesome you are: moving & play dating & still giving Sawyer baths..haha :) I hope your BP stays DOWN!!! Man, I hope it stays down!

G. B. Miller said...

Great news....funky dream, but great news.

Perhaps a baby pool is now in order?

MrsDixon said...

Your dream sounds hilarious! how bad about yourself did you feel when you woke up? You look great!

Aurora Sisneros said...

SO SO SO glad to hear of some good news! I am super happy for you, lady!

Becky HIll said...

I can't believe you are ready to have this baby, time flies! And you still look so little, i hate you!

Nishant said...

beautiful belly pic!
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