Friday, October 14, 2011

Old Chicks are No Joke!

I have a friend that works for a shelter in Colorado and invited me to this HUGE community garage sale thing.

I've never been to one.

I've never been to THIS one.  I've been meaning to hit up some garage sales because I have a few things in mind that I would like.

I want a vintage sled.  The wood slat kind.

I want vintage looking suitcases.

I want a vintage wagon.

Most of them for photography props so when I heard about this huge sale close to where I live, I was all in.

I invited friends.  I put cash in my wallet (This is RARE my friends, very rare!), lifted the double stroller into the trunk... and set off.

I arrived right after the public opening and saw a woman walk out with the cutest child rocker I have EVER seen.

She paid $20 to get in early.  People mean business.

I was excited.  I was fist pumping like a Jersey Shore member.  I was going to score sweet goods and not break the bank.  I was going to be a garage sale hero.

Then I got inside.  The stroller wouldn't fit down the isles.  I got hit with someone's cane.  I got dirty looks and was for sure the youngest adult there.

Then I got the real sass, "I can't BELIEVE you brought your kids!"  She looked back and me and grunted in disgust, "Can you even FIT down any of the isles?!"


And just as she was about to walk away she added, "I don't even have any WORDS!"

She must have been in her mid-eighties.

And clearly she had words.

It was like retirement home meets Mean Girls and I was the joke.

Next time I'm leaving the stroller and bringing a cane.


wonderchris said...

Bring weapons - I love it!

Did you get anything good - or were bullied to go home early and empty handed...aside from your kids, of course. :)

Kristina P. said...

For work, we take the punk ass kids out on community service on Fridays, and today, we took them to a very popular local second-hand store, to help with sorting. And those customers were ruthless! As soon as a card was brought out, they would swarm it. I even got run over by a cart. Crazy.

SkippyMom said...

I am only 45, but I love my cane in crowds because people will notice it and intentionally steer clear and not run into me with their strollers or themselves.

I have had only two instances where people weren't paying attention and ran me down. I am always glad I am holding on to Pooldad with my other hand when that happens.

I always joke that I will take people out with my cane, but I am kidding. I would rather run them over on the days I am in my wheelchair. [I kid, I kid.]

Furry Bottoms said...

Ugh, gotta love those grumpy old people. G-saling is not the same as it used to be. I see kids ALL the time at garage sales in my area.

Did you find anything you were looking for?

G. B. Miller said...

Never get between an old lady and potential items for them to hoard. It can be deadly.

G. B. Miller said...

Never get between an old lady and potential items for them to hoard. It can be deadly.

devorelebeaumonstre. said...

old women are crazy! x

p.s. I'm having a dress giveaway if you'd like to check it out.

Crystal said...

haha, now that is hilarious!