Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wild Thing

One of these kids is NOT Sawyer...

We had a rough morning over here.  To cheer me up, I bribed, errrr, TALKED Sawyer into doing a mini photoshoot. I LOVE mini photoshoots fueled by chocolate.


wonderchris said...

Be still my heart - I love that hat. You sure have some cute kids!!

stephanie said...

ahhh! could he be any cuter?!

SkippyMom said...

Definitely worth the chocolate bribe - he is adorable and I WANT the hat.

Okay, I'll take the kid too. I miss, sniff, sniff, babies in my house.

Aleta said...

Just totally cute - love the tongue sticking out picture. Made me laugh!

Rachel said...

OH My gosh!! I can not "awww" enough. He is the most precious little baby ever! You must be beaming!!

xx rk

AiringMyLaundry said...

That hat is adorable!

Unknown said...

Is there any other way? :)

Anonymous said...

He is darling. I would love it too if mine were that little. Now that they are half grown it is hard to get any pictures of them where their hands don't cover their faces. haha... I will be following. Thanks for stopping by yesterday.

Crystal said...

So cute!!! I love how they all turned out :)