Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Boy-o

Check out that winter hat... worn in the middle of May. Yeah, it's snowing here now. Like REALLY snowing. I think I'm in Canada.


Kristina P. said...

I am loving that adorable hat!

wonderchris said...

SNOWING?! That is not okay - but that cute hat does help.


XLMIC said...

Thankfully, you have a cute kid in a super cute hat to take your mind off how totally WRONG it is for snow to be falling this far into May!

G. B. Miller said...

Snow in New England.

Kewl hat though.

stephanie said...

Snow?! It's 91 here! Crazy! And he? is adorable!!

Brandy@YDK said...

great picture

Banana Rama said...

I don't think it's even snowing in Canada anymore LOL.. but yes. cute kid, cute hat :)

RottenMom said...

Hating that you had snow, but if it offers up the chance for that gorgeous child to wear that adorable hat...oh my!

Kimberly said...

Snow sucks but baby touques rule!