Thursday, September 16, 2010

Drunk or Kid?

I don't like when people apologize for being gone from blog land. I mean, it's the internet, we SHOULD have another life right and I don't think anyone should owe us an apology for that?

Note to self: Get life.

BUT when I'm away I can't help but want to say I'M SORRY!!! See, I can't even follow my own rules.

I've been painting so much every dream I've had recently is about paint. PAINT?! I miss those crazy sex with Geoff dreams I used to have, now THOSE were fun.

(Ummm, is his family reading this? I mean, I miss those dreams I used to have with Geoff were we would go to church and read books.)

I also started teaching Kickboxing again. Woo-hoo. Sooo, I've been supah busy BUT on the way to class they were playing a game on the radio that I thought I would play with you guys:


Sooo, I'm going to tell you a story and you have to tell me whether I was plastered or a kid.

Easy right?

And you play too!!! Tell me a story in the comment or in your blog and link it on over so we can all take a guess!

Here goes:

I stayed the night at a friend's house and peed in their sock drawer in the middle of the night. Oops.

Drunk or Kid?

(Answer will be up next week along with links to you if you put a story!)


Anonymous said...

haha a kid?

jessikahsd said...

I am voting for drunk! ;)

Diva's Thoughts said...

Hmmmm....I say drunk. lol

Delanie said...

I say drunk! I peed in my pants in front of a computer. Drunk or kid?!

Furry Bottoms said...


Furry Bottoms said...

wait, how old were you when you did that?

Kristina P. said...


And I love kickboxing! I used to do it years ago, and I lost a bunch of weight doing it.

Jenny said...

Sock drawers are pretty high up, I'm definitely voting for drunk on this one ;)

I thought doing backflips off the diving board was a great idea until my best friend smacked right down onto it with her mouth, gushing blood and teeth everywhere. I instantly puked into the pool instead. Drunk or kid?

Robin said...

Voting kid.

Tried to do a cartwheel wearing a dress. Didn't work out so well because I forgot I was wearing a dress. Drunk or a kid?

Renata Bauman said...

Both. I'm thinking it's a trick question.

As for my story, I got a concussion once doing a cartwheel.

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

If it were me, I would've been drunk.

The Skinny Mom said...

Isn't it funny that so many of these stories involve peeing? I'd say you were drunk.
I have many stories of peeing my pants or peeing in strange places. Too bad they happened both when I was a kid, drunk, or when I was a drunk kid! Oops...I mean when I was exactly 21.

Jules AF said...

Kid! I like this game.

The Only Girl said...

Fun game! Okay - I'm going with a drunk kid. What!? It could happen.

AiringMyLaundry said...


Jami said...

I just want to know how in the world you got into the sock drawer! Too funny!

Jenny DB said...

Drunk! :-)
OK, on a hot summer day I forgot to close the door and the dog got out and was so worried he'd get hit I had to chase him up and down the streets in my bathing suit. ultimately switched to rollerblades so i could actually catch the dog. Drunk or kid? :-)

Kitty Deschanel said...

LOL! At church. Riiiiiight ;)

SweetPeaSurry said...

I'm gonna answer drunk.

I cracked my head open after being tossed on a bed. Drunk or Kid?

Unknown said...

I'm moving right along to the next one.