He really does smile!

Told ya so!
Sawyers labor day story...
So, it went something like this…
I talked to Sawyer daily and told him I was ready to meet him. I thought he wasn't a good listener, but turns out he is. Saturday May 31, I woke up (Exciting already, huh?), probably peed 8 times, and had breakfast with Geoff. There was a baby expo in Denver, and I was surprised Geoff remembered me telling him about it and asked if I wanted to go, uhhh, ya! So, off we head to baby mania. There wasn't as much stuff as I expected there, but we walk out with a cool baby holder thing, and a swaddling baby burrito blanket thing. Sawyer was getting excited. He must like presents. The rest of that day I had contractions, but they didn't really hurt, and I figured it wasn't anything. Later we headed off to a Jeep shop, had lunch, had 'fun with Geoff' and went for a walk. I still had contractions, but they felt the same as the contractions I felt weeks before this, however, I decided to time them… secretly.
3 minutes apart.
I knew that Sawyer was going to be late, that is my luck, he seemed comfy, nothing before this was happening to really show that labor could be coming soon, but 3 minutes apart, hmmm. I wait a while figuring they would go away. A few hours later I am still feeling them, 3 minutes apart. I mention this to Geoff. He takes it a little more seriously and we make sure the bag is about ready, and it is. I figured it was nothing, and wait longer. Around 9pm, I end up calling labor and delivery. Every time contractions are around 5 minutes apart or less, they say labor can be around the corner and to call. These contractions didn't hurt that bad though, I wasn't crawling on the floor screaming, but maybe I have a high tolerance for pain, maybe this baby will fall out of me while napping and I won't even notice. I start to worry about my tolerance of pain and wonder how tough I am. They tell me that if I'm not in that much pain, try to sleep tonight and if they get more painful or closer together, give them a call.
I don't sleep, they get closer together, I call around 3 am, because I'm pretty sure this baby will just end up in my pants and I won't even notice. They tell me to come in and get checked out. I wake up Geoff, we get dressed, and grab our bag, it wasn't ready. We try to pack it, without over packing, but remembering the essentials like our DVD's. Where are the DVD's?!
We arrive at Labor and Delivery triage, and I tell the midwife that my contractions are less than three minutes apart. She hooks me up to all the machines, and tells me that my contractions are less than three minutes apart. Isn't that what I said? Anyway, I wasn't dilated anymore than I have been for the last two weeks, so she says we can wait two hours to see if I dilate or go home. I said go home. She gives me a sleeping pill so I can sleep.
I don't sleep, and now feel drugged. People from Boulder are in my livingroom helping me through my contractions. My contractions are starting to hurt, I'm breathing through them, they are around two minutes apart. Why was I talking to people from Boulder? No one from Boulder was here, my contractions are still about two minutes apart, and I feel drugged, I hate sleeping pills.
I tell Geoff the next morning that my contractions are closer together, that they hurt and that I don't want to call the hospital and cry wolf, so I ask him to. They say it doesn't hurt to go in. We wait, I hurt, we go in.
I'm admitted, yay!!! Contractions are less than 2 minutes apart, and they freaken hurt. I can't walk down the hallway, I can't do much. Every nurse that sees the monitor print out of my contractions seems surprised at how they are non-stop and I don't get any break. Tell me about it! They ask if I want to start my IV for the epidural, I say I want to wait it out a bit, she looks back at my contractions like, good luck!
I take a bath in their jet tubs. My contractions freaken hurt. I get out of the bath. My contractions freaken hurt. I lay down, I can't breath, I don't feel like talking and I want my epidural. Did I mention that the contractions hurt? The nurse sets me up for the IV and misses my vein twice. I ball. She asks someone else come in to do it, and informs me that the epidural man has two people in front of me. I want mine now! I wait about another hour. Geoff tries to take a picture of me. I am not one of those girls that look good during labor, it looks like I got hit by a truck and am now in labor. Geoff does take my picture. I want my epidural.
I get my epidural.
I love my epidural.
I sleep.
The stupid Blood Pressure cuff keeps waking me up.
I manage more sleep.
I love my epidural, I want to take the epidurals home and have them for dinner after a bad day.
They keep checking me and things happen pretty slow until I hit 6 cm. I go from a six to a nine in two hours. Finally some progress. The nurse says she will be back in two hours and hopefully I will be a ten by then, but to let her know if I feel a lot of pressure.
Geoff is sad cause when he tickles my feet, I don't laugh. He doesn't want the epidural to take away my ticklishness forever.
I feel pressure. It's been about 45 minutes, and I think I feel pressure. Maybe we should get the nurse? Geoff gets the nurse.
She comes in, checks me and says we will do a practice push, and that with first time moms, pushing can take a few hours.
I do a practice push and the nurse and Geoff see the head.
She calls the doctor, and the doctor pages everyone from my room. Sawyers heart rate drops and they tell me to start pushing. I push and his head is out, two more times, and Sawyer was born! Everyone looks a little surprised that it took just three pushes, and I realize that they weren't officially ready. People rush out to grab stuff, like the scale and other thing they need. Hours of pushing, how about a few minutes?! Sawyer welcomes himself into the world by peeing on everyone. I love him even more.
Sawyer was born June 1st, at 11:23 pm. He weighed 5lbs 15 oz. Due to low birth weight and me spiking a slight temperature during delivery, we have to stay an extra day so he can go through extra testing. Everything turned out perfect except for a super mild case of Jaundice, turns out my boy is just an average height, skinny guy, a little yellow, but damn cute and I am sooo happy to have the most perfect family and am excited to eventually add more of these little things!
Oh, and he likes his baby burrito snuggle blanket thing!