Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just Updating!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know, I'm not on here much right now. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure why. It wasn't a slow withdraw, it wasn't planned, just one day I stopped. I stopped wanting to write, and even stopped looking at sitemeter. (Yes, I can admit, I loved stats.) I don't remember the last time I looked. Then I was a little too nervous to write anything, didn't have much to say. Why would you want to read? THEN I remembered why I started this blog, to keep family and friends updated from far away lands, aka- not Denver.

So, here I am and here are some updates.

Three words I don't say very often.

Are you ready? (Breath, imagine the words, formulate them, meditate on the meaning, you can do this Holly.)

I. Was. Wrong.

Thanks for all the congrats on the house post. I guess when they approved the price, it wasn't the bank but the owners which means we are still kind of nowhere. We found out they there are two contracts and ours is in the number one position so THAT is good. We did our inspection even though everything can got to crap and we may not get this house but we figured, one- we can inspect it now and lose that money if we don't get the house, or 2- wait until it's closer to ours and pay to dewinterize it and winterize is so doing it NOW actually saves us money later. We chose two. The house is in pretty great condition except the display on the oven and outlets. So, you can heat the over, but you will never know what it's heated to OR more importantly not know the time or how late I'm running. Also the outlets. You know that things that shuts off your blowdryer if you decided to jump in a pool while drying your hair? Yeah, the outlets are missing that. So basically, we can get shocked to death. We were concerned with the foundation but as our inspector put it "This house isn't going anywhere ever. These mountain homes are built on granite. Granite!" I wonder if I can dig some up and replace the counters. He didn't say yes. Oh, he also said, "TLC, wow, this place needs A LOT of love!" A little concerning considering this guy inspects houses all day and our place seemed to need extra special love versus every other house, but hey. We are ready to give it hugs and lovin' all day.

I think I'm getting used to the smell and the dirt int he house because each time I go, I love it more, can breath in my nose and forget about the dead mouse in the dining room or feces on the carpet. Instead I focus on what I want to do with each room. My last visit was to compare two of the basement rooms, I think I decided to switch the play room with the Hill suite and was reminded again how thankful I am for certain people we have in our life and thankful for people that got out of our life as well. Isn't it good to clean up, even in the friend department?

Things lately feel that they are going my way. Several times in the past few weeks I've felt annoyed, like we were going backward, or not forward and getting nervous for the future. I wanted to whine in the corner and stomp my feet a few times. I wanted to get my way, to always get my way.

You appreciate getting what you want more so after not being granted certain things, but you know this.

I'm also on a super health kick and get ready for part 2 of the Dairy is Evil post. It is. Pure evil. Run away now.

The real point is, I love you all! Duh!


P.S.- Wooo-hoooo! I just looked up the house online and it's status is no longer active. The sellers agent SAID he was going to mark it 'under contract' but I didn't actually believe him. Everyone better back away from that house, it's OURS (okay, obviously not yet) and we aren't giving it up! BUT, we do like to do dinner parties...


fallgirly said...

Sounds like our offer. It was accepted by the seller but the bank has to approve. The agent guessed it would take a month to get reviewed. Too bad I don't even love the house, just excited to get an offer accepted. Lets race to see who finds out first!

SweetPeaSurry said...

What do you mean you haven't been here? I was training for a week, and I've found I'm like 10 posts behind on your blog!!! To me, you are PROLIFIC!

Congrats, maybesortofIthink, on the house!!!

However, I'm going back now to read through them all, because ONEOFTHESEDAYS I really will be caught up on blogging! YEAH!

Blessings woman on you and yours!

Aurora Sisneros said...

I want what I want, and I want it now. That's my motto. :)

So, don't worry about the oldness of the casa. Ours was built in 1890 on a crumbling brick foundation, and it turned out pretty good, right? Also, I know a KILLER electrician - I'll share him with you if you buy me drinks.

It might be a pain in the arse to get it all perfect, but you will have bonded with it (aka cussing at the goddam thing, kicking a door frame, then 2 minutes later hugging and kissing the molding and APOLOGIZING to your dear, dear house).

It's SO worth it in the end.

bernthis said...

I confess, my ex and I moved into our house and were still two days from officially closing.

bodoba said...

I still think you'll get that house no prob and everything is just a formality now. I'm glad you're glad and grateful and everything else that's making your life hunky dory right now.

Blog Stalker said...

Good luck with the house. Remember that TLC is what makes the home "yours"

Have a great day!