Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's Official

We are beyond obsessed. We want this house. We NEED this house. We keep referring to it as 'OUR house', then stop ourselves and correct... because it's not ours. Or even close. WE still need to sell our condo and I guess only a few places have sold in all of downtown Denver since JANUARY! JANUARY! Isn't that nuts?! I don't know how to make this sell any faster besides dropping the price to a number too low to resist and then we are out money! UGH!

I was thinking about offering anyone that refers someone that actually BUYS our house like five hundred dollars or something, but then realized that is why we have a realtor.

Onto lighter news... Yup, every room is decorated. I've mentally decorated the rooms I said I wasn't going to do it, I was going to be SMART this time. Ahhh, smart is boring anyway. Just when I felt a little stupid for it, I realized my husband mentally fills the tool chest, garage and has already shopped prices on snow tractor remover ride on things. You know, all engine and gears stuff. Guess we are more alike than I thought!

So, want to hear one of my room ideas???

I have all the rooms pretty planned out, what I want to do, what color, what the room will be used for except Sawyer's room. DUH, it will be used for him, but what the hell do I do in there? I was looking up bedding because I think when we move we'll transfer him to a big boy bed (Assuming the moving won't happen for another few months.) and no bedding caught my eye. I was searching Rate My Space on HGTV and no one's room was really doing it for me then it hit me... ROBOTS! Vintage Robots! Actually, Target bedding helped the idea get into my head but whatever. Anyway, how awesome are vintage robots??? Of course I'm on etsy next because I'm ADDICTED to that site, then searching the internet in general for some ideas. Along with a few things below, I'm going to paint a robot on his wall with chalkboard paint and have the robot holding onto a luch box sort of thing, really just a shadow box holding the chalk and eraser. Thoughts, thoughts???

Found here.

Found here.

Found here.

The play room is going to be garden themed kind of like the one below. I'm going to have plastic watering cans (Is that what you call the things you put water in to water your plants?) in bright colors hung over his art table holding the crayons and markers and things. I'm sooo excited and long overdue to decorate!!!

Room here.

P.S. For sitting through this post, you are all invited to my place for dinner and drinks... if we get it... and if you come you have to tell me how great everything looks even if it doesn't look great.... you know, stoke my ego because dang it, I'm feeding you Vodka!

P.S. #2- I have my old iphone up for grabs. My honey upgraded us this weekend after... ready... HE GOT A JOB! So, YAY for him! If anyone wants my old one, let me know, so far no one we know has AT&T and doesn't have an iphone... so it sits here.

Peace, love and chalkboard paint!



MEGandJEFF said...

I'm holding you to the dinner thing...'cause geez, that post, was, just, like, soooo boring!

Anywho..I had our whole house decorated in my head, too..before it was ours. It is now, 3 months later, slowly coming together..it's gonna take me a while. The robot idea is very cute..& I really like the idea of the markers & crayons in the watering cans.

Congrats on the hubby getting the job! Awesome!

bodoba said...

Yay! Hubby got a job! Congrats! I would mentally plan out a new house but I live in military housing it all looks the same. Sounds like a fun thing to do though.

Furry Bottoms said...

How about an incentive for buyers? That seems to be the rage in the market. My mother actually suggested that I get a big flat screen TV to hang on the wall in the living room for #1, to make the LR look bigger... #2 to offer to the new homeowners as an incentive. I say NO. If we ever get a big flat screen TV, I want to keep it! Maybe I can offer my washer/dryer with the house. Or something. Can you believe a few blocks away, they were offering a brand new CAR if you bought their house? I mean, what?!

Suzy said...

Glad your husband got a job. Put the iphone on Ebay, a friend of mine got 400 for his from a Canadian guy. He knew how to hack into them. Or Craig's List. Make some money off that thing, girl.

Bobby, Jenny, Bryce and Leah said...

good luck! saw the video and it looks amazing with so much potential!! keepingmy fingers crossed for u!

Aurora Sisneros said...

Dude, robots are BITCHIN! My girlfriends kid got me a Robot birthday card for my birthday last month. I LOVE IT! BTW, I might be the happiest person alive that Geoff is coming back to work for us. You know why? Cuz I had to take all his shit and I don't get it and thank GOD he is coming back to save my ass! Whew!!!!!!

G. B. Miller said...

First: congrats on the spouse becoming gainfully employed.

Second: this is directed at the possible playroom motif.

"ummm, yeah."

Babe in Babeland said...

What fun!! I hope you get it!!!! I would love to have a house one day....but for now, it's just our teeny tiny apartment in NYC. For now. But dreams of a backyard and SPACE stay with me...

Rob was talking about getting an iPhone--if you seriously don't want it, I should ask him if he wants it. You could also try to sell it on ebay or something.

COngrats on your man getting a new job!!!

Anonymous said...

we have a line of 24 color chalkboard paints at hudsonpaint.com