Friday, May 6, 2011

Like that game Mouse Trap except not as fun...

I had one fabulous day in college that beat out all other days. This day was like MY day, it was Holly is about to get so dang lucky day...and it had NOTHING to do with sex, get your mind out of the GUTTAH, geeze!

Back to how lucky I was and I believe I told this story before but I'll tell it again, quickly.

I walked into class. Everyone was studying. No one wanted to hear about my weekend. What was up their butts? I chatted anyway. They ignored me anyway.

Like, seriously?!

Finally one person looked up and asked if I was finished with my paper and ready for the final.

"Almost finished and have another week to study, sooo, yeah baby!"

But I didn't have another week to study, the big day was THAT DAY and I had it down wrong on my calendar. The paper and final was going to be the majority of our grade and I was unprepared. No paper. Not ready for the test.

I was going to fail.

And just when the class was about to begin, the fire alarm went off for the fist time in the four years I was at that college.

And it didn't turn off.

Class was canceled. I came prepared the next week.

Thank you baby Jesus in a cradle!

This weekend I might not BE so lucky. I'm afraid all my luck may have been used that day in college.

Remember my Mother's Day last year? (Click it, totally worth the read.)

It was the first day I saw a mouse... EVER.

We have been mouse free for MONTHS and I woke up this morning to a critter in a trap.

(Yeah, we still hide traps cause I'm a freak like that. No mouse WILL escape my wrath!)

Excuse me while I breathe in and out of a paper bag.

Okay, done.

I have a feeling this Sunday might mirror that one Sunday last year.

Give me strength.

Do you have a holiday from Hell? Do tell. Do tell.


Brandy@YDK said...

pretty much every holiday is from hell. coordinating all the families that don't get along but still want to celebrate. ugh.

wonderchris said...

Not really a holiday from hell...but Christmas '07 hubs needed his appendix out in the middle of his chemo treatments...we look back and laugh. Christmas in the ER - one to remember!!

Happy Mom's Day - hope it surprises you and is AWESOME!!

stephanie said...

I've told my husband if we ever find a rodent we're moving. No questions.

Kristina P. said...

Haha, Baby Jesus indeed!