Tuesday, December 29, 2009

19 Weeks!

I think I might be a little more normal. You know, like not as crazy? Ummm, okay, so I don't FREAK out like I did a few weeks ago, that means I'm not as crazy right? RIGHT?!?!

I feel good, great in fact. I think I'm ready for a party. Anyone want to invite me to your parties? I had a dream last night that I went out with two friends and came home WASTED. Geoff was soooo mad and I didn't know why. Then it hit me, oh yeah, I'm pregnant. That is how I feel, like I get a kick to the uterus and I go, oh yea, I'm pregnant. Sweet!

Speaking of dreams, I have sex dreams all the time! They are awesome. I heard of these things before and did not have any last time but hello, I like this baby SOOOOOOO much better already. (Kidding Sawyer, don't get your diapers in a knot!) I know, TMI.

Want to know more TMI? Farts. I don't get those girls that never fart in front of their significant other. EVERYONE FARTS! The other day Geoff and I were watching something and someone said, "I'm just sharing my love." No big deal until I'm about to rest my head on Geoff's lap and he's like, "I don't know if you want to do that, I'm about to share my love." It was sooooo funny. Needless to say, I've been sharing my love a lot lately. A lot. (How sexy am I?)

One other word: CHOCOLATE! Sometimes I can't sleep at night because I'm thinking about it. It's all I want. I wake up and want it, give in to temptation and want more. One Friday, after a few days of no chocolate, I went to playgroup early knowing the mom that hosted baked double chocolate muffins. I ate two and she sent me off with a few squares to put in my purse in case I had another, gasp, chocolate drought. If there is no chocolate within my reach for a few days and you mix some cocoa with snot, I might consider eating it. Really. And this all happened about two days after I told my friend I had no cravings. What a sucker I am for saying that! Anyway, I'm thinking curvy is in anyway? Isn't it? I'm working on getting WAY curvy.

Yeah, this whole thing is flying by. I'm sure having a toddler helps, this guy is crazy and I don't have time to remember that I'm pregnant and should sit, or not have him jumping on my stomach like a trampoline. He thinks this thing under my skin is some sort of new toy he should river dance on. He's going to make a great big brother.

Onto the curves.

P.S. 6 more days until the big ultrasound! Until then... chocolate!


Unknown said...

Your belly is so cute! And I craved chocolate the last two trimesters like crazy with my daughter...I ate two candy bars a day!

fallgirly said...

During my 2nd trimester all I wanted was chocolate and I had sex dreams and my baby came out with a vagina...I'm just saying...

Anonymous said...

hahah you are too cute! I don't get the fart thing either. I was like that for the first year we dated and then psh screw that. I figured if he could let them rip then SOOOO could I! and he's loved me more ever since....

MEGandJEFF said...

Oh my goodness!! You look SO cute!!

I'll invite you to my New Year's party & we can have preggatinis & pregaritas & talk sex dreams & fart in the corner while everyone else does their thang..we'll have a better time than they do, anyway..haha :) I'll throw some chocolate in there to ensure that!

Can't wait to find out what the rhino is!

Juliana said...

You look like a hot mama...like one of those celebs that looks totally hot while pregnant. Anyhoo--I think there is a girl in there. I also remember the great sex pregnancy dreams

Diva's Thoughts said...

Aaawwww...look at your baby bump! I love it.

SweetPeaSurry said...

Girl, you totally slay me. You're adorable, and fabulously neurotic!!! Gods bless ya!!!

Happy New Year!!

G said...

one your belly is the cutest. Two fart contests are great. 3 I heart you.

The Skinny Mom said...

Yay!! I can't wait to find out what you're having! Sex dreams, huh?? I never had any of those with Henry, either. So, maybe it means you are having a girl!

Becky HIll said...

aww, I miss you! and I am with everyone else, girl...

Candice said...

I think you are the cutest pregnant lady ever.

I hate you.

Just kidding. ;)

Tracie said...

You still look really cute. I looked like Princess Fiona (from Shrek) during most of my pregnancies.